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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 is Here!

  2014 has arrived! Like many, we have high hopes that THIS year is going to be a great one - we, of course, are super excited for the arrival of our little guy: we are a due 1 month from tomorrow, so he really could be making his grand entrance any time…. yikes! Are we ready? I think so… The nursery is ready - we will show you soon! - and we've done some of baby's laundry so that he will be ready to rock his cutest, new threads. We need to get his car seat out of the box and turn the "go bag list" into an actual "go bag" ready to accompany us to the hospital.
  I'm sure there is so much more to look forward to this year, but it's hard to even THINK about beyond bringing the Nugget home. To help remind us what we NEED to tackle, I've made us our "To Do 2014" list…

  I think it looks pretty attainable - we tried not to get too unrealistic - focus on and prioritize a few goals :) I think we might just print out a few copies to have at work, on the fridge, etc. to help us along the way.

  What is on YOUR "To Do 2014" list? Want a copy of your OWN list? If so, e-mail me (yellow your list items for 2014 and color preference, and I will send back a lovely list for you to print, share on Facebook, do with what you like :) Do it now! It will be fun!!

Happy New Year everyone!
from Kevin, Elisa & Rigby